Eric Shaw, Senior Lecturer in Politics, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Labour entered the UK general election with a double handicap. Brexit was peeling away many of its 2017 voters, especially among the working class in the north of England and West Midlands. Jeremy Corbyn was also hugely unpopular – and perceptions of which leader will make the best prime minister are
Month: December 2019
Professor David Bell, Stirling Management School On December 10th, two days before an election precipitated by a government willing to accept crashing out of the EU on “WTO rules”, the court which enforces WTO rules, will collapse. Without any enforcement mechanism and no trade deals in place, UK industry will have no way to remedy
Dr Megan Dee, Lecturer in International Politics, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Anniversaries are meant to be a celebration. They represent a moment of reflection – a marker, a milestone, a time to look back. And therein lies their biggest problem. For anniversaries have that unfortunate effect of turning any subject – be it a